Sunday, March 9, 2014

February 10, 2014 Good week

The cutest puppy ever
Elder Baker and I being thugs
Welp it's been a pretty legit week. We have seen a lot of miracles this week, and so it has been really fun to be a missionary lately. I mean it always is fun, but especially when your area is doing well. On Tuesday we had district meeting, which was fun, and we did this cool thing where the zone leaders gave everyone in the zone a little shout out, and it was adorable. It's because this month we are focusing on showing our love for our investigators. Fitting because it's February right? I think it's funny. Then on Tuesday we decided to call up one of our really cool members. He is almost always willing to go out with us, and so we decided to see how his little brother is doing. He is 16 and when we taught the restoration, he understood everything! It was really good, especially because he then accepted a baptismal invitation and a date! So we're really excited for him.

That's pretty much all that happened this week. We had a lot of smaller things that happened, members not showing up when they are supposed to come out with us, people falling off date, people not keeping their commitments, it was a pretty standard week for missionary work! I love it. I'm thinking I'll be getting transferred at the end of this transfer, which is going to be sad. I'm going to miss South Phoenix, and MontaƱa del Sur a lot.

I love you all so much! I am so happy to be serving a mission here in Arizona (especially when the weather is so crummy in Oregon right now!) but I know that I need to be here where I am right now. It is such an amazing perspective to have, and I am so grateful that I have it! Love you all!

Elder Allen

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