Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 3, 2014 The Gilbert Temple is Beautiful

Elder Aranibar and me
This was a pretty awesome week, but also a hard week. On Monday we played Settlers and of course, I won both of the games we played (beware of pride, my eternal souls is at stake, I know) but I did destroy all of these elders here. Then on Wednesday we went to the temple open house, which was so cool. We went with our investigator, and she loved it! She talked to the member that took us, on the ride home, we sorta figured out why she isn't baptized yet (she's been investigating for 3 years or so).

We had a hard week though, because we didn't really have any set lessons this week... So we really didn't teach very much at all. It was really hard, especially because the zone leaders went on exchanges with us on Saturday, and Elder Cassiano and I stayed here and he saw how much our area is struggling... It kinda stinks. So I was pretty sad going to church on Sunday. Well not sad, but frustrated that our investigators are not progressing and that we don't have that many people to teach. So I fasted this past Sunday that our investigators would come to church and spark that interest again in the gospel. And only our temple investigator came.... That was hard. But then I remembered something, that she has the meeting with the bishop after church (I had forgotten) and so after church she had her meeting, and we couldn't wait for it all because we had to go give someone a blessing, and so we left, but our ward mission leader stayed to give her a ride home. The bishop called us and told us that she is ready to be baptized now, and that he was going to extend a date, but that's our job. So we went by her house that night.... And she's in date for the 15th!! I'm so pumped for her :) but that is about all that happened this week! It was a good week, all in all.

Élder Allen

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